Tuesday 10 March 2009

Audience Research

To help us expand the perceptive of our target audience, we designed and handed out a questionnaire to 20 people asking them psychographic and demographic questions based on the Thriller genre.
Below are the results of the questionnaires we produced to help us gain an understanding of what appeals to our target audience. Our production piece is a certificate 15 so we aimed our questioned at 15 to 24 year olds.

From our results the majority of people we asked considered suspense to be the main element to make a really good thriller. This has shown us that we need to focus on creating suspense as a convention of our thriller to keep our audience engaged.

The outcome of this question has come to a conclusion that the majority of our target audience prefer Medical thrillers. This persuaded us to make our production piece a medical thriller.

We also asked our audience “What was the last Thriller film you watched? If you enjoyed it what kept you interested?” the replies were mostly films that had music and suspense as said by one of our partaker “the suspense and use of music kept me interested and tempting to watch all of it”. We also asked them “What do you expect to be in an opening of a Thriller?” we gave them a list of options and most people chose “Establishment of characters”, “Suspense”, “Dramatic scenes” and “The ending” to be shown before and put together on how the ending takes place.

The questionnaire we put together and handed out to our target audience helped us increase an understanding of our target audience and how we can appeal to them. We are now ready to move towards the story plots and treatment ideas for our Medical Thriller.

Research by Natalie, Anam and Christine

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