Thursday 30 April 2009


What have you learnt about technologies process of constructing this product?

My knowledge and understanding of cameras and the editing software iMovie has improved. I had no real experience using cameras before so it was a little daunting at first but it soon got easier. Using the cameras I found even shots that I thought were going to be simple were quite difficult depending on lighting conditions and location. We encountered problems such as filming in the direction of the sun and traffic in the car scenes. Technical difficulties we had were when trying to achieve close-ups of the mobile phone the camera kept going out of focus if we got to close. As well as you could see the reflections of the camera lens in the screen. However we did have many successful shots such as the tracking shot of the Mr Pratt's legs walking to post a letter. We placed the camera along side where he was going to walk and as he walked we moved the camera along side him. This had the effect of allowing the audience to follow him as he walked and created a sense of mystery and suspense as the viewer could not see his face, or identify him.

Another successful shot was of the father receiving the letter in the bungalow. I had to use the zoom setting and pull the camera up at the same time this made it more of an interesting shot and add diversity to our shots. From using the cameras I have learnt by doing different types of shots such as zooms, pans, using tri-pods and trackers shots it makes the product more visually interesting for the viewer. I now also understand why production of a film takes times and money. The editing software iMovie was also new to me, I found editing to be challenging and exciting as using iMovie you could see your production developing and you could modify it into it final product.

I have learnt how to add and remove transitions and effects such as ghost trail which created more tension in the kidnapping scene. I have learnt how to import files from the camera to a Mac computer, save audio files in iTunes then get them from the audio lists in iMovie and change the setting to audio to see the audio timeline. iMovie allowed us to cut out the diegetic sound which we did not need and place the non-diegetic theme tune on top. Split videos at playhead to cut shots in to two individual shots this was very useful in making shots long shots shorter, editing out mistakes and making our quick cuts scene.

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